Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September’s 2nd Gift

I have been trying to watch myself live lately. What I see is often disappointing. I see one who moves too fast, thinks too fast, and often speaks too fast. That is why I chose the practice of pausing for my first September gift. When I get caught up in frenetic movement it is difficult to see things and people clearly. It is difficult to experience joy. When I move so fast some of the loveliness of life becomes a blur that seems to get in my way. This is not living from the soul because, you see, the things that get in my way are, in reality, a part of my life. They, too, have their beauty and they have a right to be here; yet my busyness prevents me from seeing the offering of their lives and so I miss the splendor of the moment--and that’s a shame. Likewise, when I am in constant movement I miss the joy of all the things I fail to notice. Dom Columba Marmion, OSB speaks of joy as being the echo of God’s life in us. And in one of her novels, Eugenia Price says, "Joy is God in the marrow of our bones." That is September’s second gift for me. I WANT TO BE A DISCIPLE OF JOY! Early this morning I heard joy’s invitation, Come follow me! What would our lives be like if (even in the midst of daily disappointments and sorrows) we were forever trying to remember the joy within? The amazing face of a Squash Blossom spoke to me this morning. It was a disciple of joy. It spoke without words. The moment was pure grace and now I know beyond a doubt, I AM CALLED TO BE A DISCIPLE OF JOY.


  1. Macrina, what gorgeous thoughts, reminds me of Ed Hays, who writes in his book, Chasing Joy: "Joy is an alarm clock that awakens us as victims stricken with spiritual somnambulism, sleepwalking through a world saturated with Divine Mystery..." Following your Squash Blossom star, thank you!

  2. Thank you for sharing these thoughts.....I LOVE that--watching to see how I live! I know that your days must be busy and I am sure you feell the pull of busyness, but I must say in all that you do to reach out to others (albeit--lots of work) you certainly are a disciple of joy! Thank you!

  3. It is good (but hard) to slow down and just BE!
    I have been trying today.
    Thank-you for the star (the squash blossom!).
