Tuesday, July 20, 2010

There is so much grace in waiting

If possible
open your eyes
without assistance
from an alarm clock.
If possible
smile softly
while getting out of bed.

You have survived the night.
Draw back the curtain
to the yet black night
outside your window.
Stand by the window
and wait for dawn,
then, morning.
There is so much grace
in waiting.
If your eyes are sleepy,
pretend they are two planets
in the galaxy of your being
and they are responsible
for keeping the day lit.
Go forth, kindler of the day
Fill the world with light.
Your mission is sacramental.
-Macrina Wiederkehr


  1. It is late here. Way past my bedtime. But I am now going to bed with your poem with me so that when I wake up I start the day in a graced way.
    Thank you.

  2. Oh, I love that. And I love waking without an alarm. Nothing beats it.

  3. Macrina, one month ago, you guided a graced retreat for me and for others in Ringwood, NJ. Just want you to know that it has been a month of living mindfully, thanks to you and God's grace. Blessings and a promise of continued prayer, Rosemary, CR.
