The joy of "O!" continues in our daily prayer
as we hear the mystical poet, Rumi, proclaim:
"Keep knocking and the joy inside
will eventually open a window
and look out to see who is there."
December 21 (winter solstice) ~~
Today is our rising-sun day. Our eagness for the Dawn of God
to break into our lives grows stronger. And so we pray...
O Rising Sun bursting out of the darkness,
O Sacred Sun of Justice,
Come with your luminous face of Glory.
Shine on all who wait in darkness
for the radiance of your healing.
O You who are the splendor of Eternal Light,
enlighten us in our waiting.
O Come and shine on the embers of our hope.
O Come! O Come! O Come!
O Dear Desire of Every Nation! Our God is not a tribal God but a God whose heart includes all. In the eye of this Divine Lover we are one tribe. We are all in this Eternal Lover's tribe! Yes, All of us! Oh that we might live this truth...
December 22, 2011~~ We pray to One who is all inclusive:
O Servant King of the Nations~~ O deep, dear desire of every longing heart, you are the Messiah, the Anointed One for whom we have waited with eagerness. You are the foundation of our lives. Come to all the nations. Lay your hands upon the earthen vessels of our lives. Unite us as One People. Break into our hearts and reveal to us our own love. This is the hidden love we never knew we possessed! This is the inclusive love that leaves no one out. ...and we never knew we possessed such love until you broke into our lives. O, joy of every longing heart!
O Servant King, O Come.